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Homesteader Top Picks
Baby Chick
Always a kids favorite available in toddler and youth sizes. And, mom can match with her very own chicken tee!

Love Grows Here
Growth is a big part of Dirt & Devotion, whether it’s gardening, raising livestock, or even trying to keep house plants alive – cultivated growth can produce good things. But, is your family, your home, or your community growing in love? This tee is a simple reminder that as you cultivate relationships through love – those relationships have the potential to produce some really great things!
What’s New?
We’re Family-Owned and Operated
Dirt & Devotion is a reflection of our family’s journey to embrace faith, community, and homesteading. Our custom graphic apparel is designed to inspire homesteaders, urban gardeners, and anyone in between to cultivate a more fulfilling lifestyle. Completely family-owned and operated, all of our tees are designed, printed and shipped from the small green barn behind our old farm house located in our hometown Village of Covington, Ohio.